Diplomacy and diplomatic media

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Faculty of Arts Ain Shams University

2 Department Of Media and Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts , Ain Shams University, Egypt.

3 Former Head of Media supreme council


The results of the development of modern communication technology have led to the emergence of forms of diplomacy, the most important of which is digital diplomacy as part of what is recently known as soft power. This means the emergence of a new global diplomacy in which the regime, private and public organizations, political leaders and the general public use social media such as Facebook and Twitter, in addition to all The possibilities provided by the Internet to spread ideas, build cultural relations at the media level, form mental images, and influence the masses. Therefore, new concepts emerged, including the concept of soft power, cultural diplomacy, and interactive media.
Digital diplomacy is an effective foreign policy tool, which requires attention after it has become the focus of attention of foreign policy makers.
Digital diplomacy in Egypt needs more organized and planned efforts by specialists to achieve the desired goals and avoid its negative effects, especially since the task of the foreign policy maker and implementer has become more complex in the era of the information revolution, as he is one of the active parties in making the state’s foreign policy, and digital diplomacy needs to empower official departments. The missions practice training and are constantly informed of developments in this diplomacy.


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