Mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities and it's relation to their family life quality (Psychometric- Clinical Study)

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 PhD Researcher - Educational Psychology - Girls' College - Ain Shams University

2 Assistant Professor of Psychology - Girls' College - Ain Shams University

3 Instructor of educational psychology - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The aim research is to identify the mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities and it's relation to their family life quality, and to reveal the differences in the mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities and their family life quality according to the type of the child with disabled(male- female), to verify the predictability the quality of family life for mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities, and recognition of the difference in the dynamics of personality of the two clinical study cases. The research group consisted of(62)mothers of children with intellectual disabilities(30 mothers of male-32 mothers of females), and the researcher used the descriptive approach and the clinical approach to suit them with the nature of the research and its objectives. The researcher prepared a measure of the orientation of mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities, a measure of quality of family life, and he used the case history form, the thematic apperception test, and Rotter incomplete sentences blank. The results found that there is a positive correlation between the mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities and it's relation to their family life quality, the absence of differences between mothers of male children and mothers of female children on the scale of the mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities a measure of family quality of life. The quality of family life can be predicted through mothers' attitudes towards their children with intellectual disabilities. The psychometric and clinical study agreed.


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