An instructional strategy of E-learning Environment for two types of Adaptive Feedback (corrective, interpretive) Based on learning analytics and their Effectiveness in developing some learning Outcomes

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Faculty of women, Ain shams university

2 Professor of Instructional & Information Technology Dept. Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education- Ain Shams University – Egypt

3 Faculty of women for arts science and education, Ain shams university, Egypt

4 Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams University - Egypt


This aim of research is to study the effectiveness of an instructional strategy of E-learning Environment for two types of Adaptive Feedback (corrective, interpretive) Based on learning analytics on achieving some learning Outcomes. The research used the developmental research methodology including the description, development, and experimentation, according to Elgazzar Model (2014). The experimental method adopted to measure the effectiveness of developing an instructional strategy of E-learning Environment for two types of Adaptive Feedback (corrective, interpretive) Based on learning analytics on achieving some learning Outcomes. The research sample consisted of (126) Student Teachers' from the Women Faculty of Arts, Science and Education, Ain-Shams University. The results of the research revealed the effectiveness of developing an instructional strategy of E-learning Environment for two types of Adaptive Feedback (corrective, interpretive) Based on learning analytics on achieving some learning Outcomes. In light of this, the research presented a number of recommendations and suggestions.


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