Standards for designing and developing time-constrained representation patterns in gamification-based learning environments

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Faculty of women of Arts, Science and Education - Ain Shams University - Cairo

2 Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams university, Egypt


The goal of the current research is to come up with a list of criteria for designing three types of time constraint representation (without the appearance of time, the appearance of a time bar, and the appearance of a digital timer) in an e-learning environment based on gamification. To achieve this goal, the researchers used the descriptive analytical research method. Research and studies were analyzed to arrive at a list of initial standards. They were then classified, arranged, and indicators for each standard were developed. An initial list of standards and their indicators was reached and placed in the form of a questionnaire. Then it was presented to a group of experts (3) in number to ensure its veracity and the possibility of applying it to the basic sample. Then it was done. Collecting the observations and modifying them in light of them, then the questionnaire was applied and judged by (7) experts in the field of educational technology, collecting the observations and monitoring the results. The research concluded the importance of all criteria while modifying some indicators and linguistic wording, and adding others. Then the final list was reached, which includes: (9) standards and (85) indicators, and the research concluded with a set of recommendations, including the necessity of relying on a list of specific standards to design e-learning environments based on gamification with three styles to represent the time constraint.


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