The Role of the International Assessments' Results in Reforming Educational Policies in Egypt – An Analytical Study

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Educational planning department, National Center for Educational Research and Development

2 Foundations of Education Department, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University


International assessments allow comparing the performance of education systems, which helps educational systems identify global best practices and exchange experiences among themselves. They vary in methods of data collection and analysis, but they all agree on evaluating the performance of education systems, enabling policymakers to take concrete steps to improve them and enhance accountability. Since the results showed that there were imbalances in Egyptian educational policies that led to a decline in the level of Egyptian students in mathematics, science, and reading, it became necessary to determine the requirements for reforming educational policies considering those results to improve the outcomes of the educational system. Therefore, the current study aimed to identify a set of requirements and procedures to benefit from the results of international assessments in reforming educational policies in Egyptian basic education. The study relied on the descriptive approach to analyze the results of Egyptian students’ participation in international assessments and identify areas in which the results of those assessments could contribute to improving educational policies. The study concluded that the poor performance of Egyptian students in international assessments is not limited to their test results, but the contextual questionnaires indicate the presence of challenges in the home and school contexts that hinder the improvement of students’ performance in mathematics, science, and reading. It also identified a set of requirements and measures that could contribute to improving the use of the results of international assessments in reforming educational policies.


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