"Abu Bakr Al-Humaidi" 219 (H) And His Approach In His Musnad

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education Ain Shams University - Egypt

2 faculty of women


The third century (H) is considered the golden age for codifying the Sunnah. In this century in particular, the majority of compilers composed Musnads. A number of hadith scholars, jurists and imams became famous in Egypt at the third century (H). We mention among the hadith scholars of Egypt in this century. For example, "Abo Bakr Al-Humaydi" 219 (H) the author of Al-Musnad. Through this research, we will learn about Al-Humaydi’s Position among scholars and the value of his Musnad as a respected source of Islamic studies. We will also mention its sources and its methodology in its Musnad. In this research, I will follow the descriptive and analytical method by explaining Al-Humaydi’s approach in its Musnad and we mention examples. The research revealed that the most important sources of Al-Humaydi were his companions with major scholars such as Sofyan bin Uyaynah and AL- Imam Al-Shafie, It was also revealed through his approach to the Musnad that he devoted his Musnad to narrations of his Sheikh Ibn Uyaynah. He was also one of the first scholars to explain his Musnad. Therefore, I recommend more attention to the sources of hadith studies by working to clarify the methods of its authors


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