Using the Water Modeling System (WMS) to study Some Morphometric and Flash Flood Features of the Drainage Basins in New Cairo first Precinct

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Geography Department - Women Faculty - Ain Shams UNuveristy

2 Geography Department, Girls' College, Ain Shams University

3 Geography Department, Women's Faculty, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


Flood modeling using hydrological and hydraulic modeling programs has developed greatly in recent years with the advent of geographic information systems and remote sensing images derived from satellite images, in addition to the emergence of a large number of hydrological and hydraulic models for the study and analysis of torrents.
Therefore, the researcher was interested in studying the results of the hydrological hydrological analysis and applying one of these models in the study of flood risks in the study area and analyzing its results to benefit from it using the program (WMS-8) as a mathematical model, which is one of the methods used for hydrological modeling by using one of the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) programs that are used In the study of the hydrological characteristics of the valleys and basins, in addition to the study of some standard characteristics of the processes affecting the basins, with the aim of determining the morphometric characteristics represented in the terrain characteristics, and the characteristics of the drainage networks.
The research dealt with several main axes:
1. Study area.
2. Morphometric analysis of drainage basins and networks.
3. Analysis of rainfall amounts for different periods of return and determination of (IDF CURVE) curves.
4. Flood characteristics and hydrographic curve of drainage basins using the hydrological modeling system (WMS).
5. Establishing the Hydraulic Flood Hazard Model (HEC-RAS).
Keywords: hydrological modeling - hydrological analysis - hydrographic curve - IDF - hydraulic model - HEC - RAS - time curve - hydrological assessment


Main Subjects