The impact of modern industrial organizations on the quality of housing Comparative field research

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Department of sociology Faculty Of arts minia university

2 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Minia University, Egypt


The current study is considered a descriptive analytical study, and the main objective of the study is to reveal the extent of the impact of modern industrial organizations on the quality of housing as one of the objective indicators of the quality of life in two communities, one represents a community close to the factory and the other represents a community far from the factory. In light of the rule of methodological suitability, the study tends to use the sample social survey approach, as this approach aims to systematically collect information and data about a specific group of people or a specific phenomenon under specific circumstances. This information often includes the social conditions of the group under study, their activities, etc. The most important results of the study indicate that the presence of the factory in the village of Shakshuk - the community close to the factory - led to a significant improvement in the housing’s building materials, the number of rooms in it, and its interior equipment, including bedrooms, living spaces, and family property, compared to the village of Ghaidan, which represents the community far from the factory. The study recommends further research in this field with the aim of helping to develop strategies and public policies in order to improve the quality of life in residential areas adjacent to industrial areas.
Keywords: Modern industrial organizations, quality of life, and quality of housing.


Main Subjects