Grammatical Evidence in Grammar Riddles

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Egypt/ Faculty of Women for Arts,Science and Education/ Ain Shams University.

2 Associate Professor of Syntax and Morphology -Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education-Ain Shams University – Egypt

3 Girls' College. Ain Shams University


This research is a descriptive analytical study of some grammatical evidence contained in grammar riddles. It clarifies the method which grammarians interested in riddles relied on when forming riddles and solving them in general, as well as their method in the attestation of grammatical evidence in particular, and thus illustrating the importance of evidence in explaining grammatical rule.
The research is divided into four sections: 1- The first section: The role of Qur'anic evidence in illustrating and solving riddles. 2- The second section: The role of prophetic sayings in illustrating and solving riddles. 3- The third section: The role of Arabic poetry in illustrating and solving riddles. 4- The fourth section: The role of Arabic prose in illustrating and solving riddles.
Due to the abundance of grammatical evidence of grammarians interested in riddles, the researcher has chosen only three issues to illustrate in each section; she has analysed the grammatical evidence contained in the grammar riddle, clarifying how the latter comprised the former.
Keywords: Grammar riddles, Qur'anic evidence, Evidence contained in prophetic sayings, poetic evidence, Prose evidence.


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