Contrast of Character Description in the Poetry of the Kingdom of Seville During the Reign of Al-Mu'tamid Ibn Abbad Author’s

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Arabic Department. Woman Faculty. Ain Shams University

2 Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of women Ain Shams university, cairo, Egypt

3 Professor of Rhetoric and Literary,Arabic Department-Faculty of Women for Arts,Science & Education-Ain Shams University - Egypt


This study presents a research on the contrast of character description in the poetry of the Kingdom of Seville during the reign of Al-Mu'tamid Ibn Abbad and how the political events have influenced the description of poetic characters. The research includes three major points: the contrast of character transformation and tackles the description of a certain character. As this character faces political issues, this description changes into its opposite and this explains the significant influence of politics on the description of characters. The second point refers to the Self and the Other that addresses the contrast occurring due to the poet's description of himself as opposed to describing another character or a group which he belongs to as opposed to another group which he is hostile to. The third point addresses the contrast of character description through two poets; in which a poet describes himself and another poet responds to the poem of the first poet to contradict him or a poet describes another poet who responds by a poem in which he describes himself as contrary to the first poem. This study was conducted on four poets, namely Al-Mu'tamid Ibn Abbad, Abd al-Jabbar Ibn Hamdis, Abu Bakr Al-Dani bin al Labbana and Muḥammad ibn Ammar.
