A selective enrichment program to develop the emotional intelligence and its relationship to openness to experiences among a sample of outstanding university students.

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 علم نفس كلية الآداب جامعة عين شمس

2 Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education-Ain Shams University - Egypt

3 Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education ,Ain Shams University - Egypt


The current study aimed at revealing the effectiveness of a selective enrichment program for developing emotional intelligence and its relationship to openness to experiences among a sample of outstanding university students. (18) female students and a control group consisting of (18). The researcher used the emotional intelligence scale, the openness to experiences scale, and the enrichment program (prepared by the researcher). The research results indicated that: There is a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence and openness to experiences among the outstanding students. There are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in emotional intelligence and openness to experiences in the post-measurement in favor of the experimental group. There are statistically significant differences between the pre-measurement and the post-measurement in the emotional intelligence and openness to experiences of the experimental group in favor of the post-measurement. There are no statistically significant differences between post-measurement and follow-up measurement in emotional intelligence and openness to experiences in the experimental group. In light of this, the study recommended many recommendations and proposals, the most important of which is the generalization of such programs to different schools and universities at the university or secondary level, and comparing them with other programs in order to reach the best programs And applying it in all the within universities and schools and activate their role in providing counseling services, especially with regard to emotional intelligence and openness to experiences.
key words:
Selective enrichment program - emotional intelligence - openness to experiences.
