“The Syrian Crisis among International Political Currents As Reflected in the Media Coverage On Satellite Channels" (An Analytical Study)

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Collage of women art department mass communication

2 Professor of Sociology -Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education-Ain Shams University – Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology Department Of Sociology-Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education-Ain Shams University – Egypt

4 Lecturer in Division of Media - Faculty of Women for Arts, Sciences and Education - Ain Shams University


"The aim of this study is to analyze the frames of the media coverage of the Syrian crisis in the news bulletins of Russia Today, The American Alhurra, Alalam Iranian TV and TRT Turkish TV channels. The study has relied on the content analysis to analyze these news bulletins on satellite channels during the period from 01/1/2018 until 30/12/2019; based on the official announcement of the United States' withdrawal of its forces from northern Syria
The study has started from the theoretical issues of news framing as a theoretical framework. The study has come to a number of results, including: long news reports come at the forefront of news bulletins related to the Syrian crisis on the four channels studied, accounting for 49.6%, followed by short news reports at 29.8%, and finally medium news reports at 20.6%. The study has also found a variation in the news frames used in covering the Syrian crisis on the news channels studied, reflecting the political orientations and strategic interests of the countries to which those channels belong. Russia Today has focused on the military framework and the confrontations between the Syrian army and ISIS elements, as well as the military campaigns carried out by Russia to get rid of those elements. On the other hand, Alhurra's main frame has been the responsibility frame, focusing on the responsibility of the Bashaar Al-Assad regime for committing war crimes in Syria .
Keywords: International crises - the Syrian crisis - international conflicts - the media.
