The effectiveness of a training program to develop communication skills and reduce alexithymia in a sample of autism children

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 faculty of women

2 Women's college ain shams university

3 Department of Psychology/ Girls’ College of Arts, Sciences and Education/ Ain Shams University


The study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of a program in developing communication skills in decreasing the degree of alexithymia among children with autism spectrum. Communication skills for autistic children (prepared by the researcher), the alexithymia scale for autistic children (prepared by the researcher), the program for developing communication skills for autistic children (prepared by the researcher), and Gilliam scale for assessing symptoms of autism disorder (Arabization of Adel Abdullah Muhammad, 2005), and the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale The fifth picture (prepared by: Mahmoud Abu El-Nile, Mohamed Taha and Abdel-Mawgoud Abdel-Sami’, 2011). The results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the degree of communication skills according to the tribal and remote measurements, in the direction of the post-measurement, and there are also statistically significant differences in the degree of alexithymia according to the two tribal measurements The performance of the experimental sample on the scale of communication skills does not differ according to the post and follow-up measurements, and the performance of the experimental sample on the alexithymia scale does not differ according to the standard n dimensional and tracking.
Keywords: communication skills, alexithymia, autism spectrum.
