the establishment of the of irrigation 1964 - 1990 A.D

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Faculty of Women's -Ain shams University

2 Professor of modern history,Department of history, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams University Egypt

3 Doctor of modern history,Department of history Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams University - Egypt


This research deals with the history of the establishment of the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation and its general policy, as the ministry, since its inception in 1864 AD during the reign of Khedive Ismail until now, is responsible for everything related to water matters. it is entrusted with following up the implementation of water agreements between Egypt and the Nile Basin countries in order to preserve Egypt’s share of the Nile water, which is the main source of water in Egypt, It is also responsible for the implementation of many foreign projects. that would increase Egypt’s water
Inside, the Ministry is responsible for everything related to irrigation matters, starting with the establishment of water storage facilities from barrages and dams, their follow-up and maintenance, and the organization of water distribution to the rest of the ministries that participate in water management, such as electricity, health and housing.
It is also responsible for regulating the distribution of water among the farmers' users to ensure justice in the irrigation of agricultural lands. The Ministry is also entrusted with the responsibility of finding sources of water to meet the continuous population increase and the consequent increasing needs for water.
