The future development of agriculture using solar energy in Nasser lake region (A study in applied climatology using R.S and Gis

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Technology institute for computer and information system, in maadi

2 Professor of physical geography , faculty of girls for art, science and education, Ain shams university

3 Professor of economic geography, , faculty of girls for art , science and education, Ain shams university

4 Professor of climate geography, faculty of arts,department of geography, Cairo university

5 Lecuture of climate geography, faculty of girls for art, science and education,Ain shams University


This current study drives at relying on remote sensing climate date issued by NASA regarding direct solar radiation, in addition to a field monitoring data for direct solar radiation using solar radiation power meter, and land sat 7 satellite data for the years (2000, 2010, and 2020) to monitor and analyze the development of the agricultural patch. The research tackles with the impact of the astronomical location on the distribution of direct solar radiation and its role in the economic cost and economic return of some agricultural crops, in addition to the development of the agricultural patch and the optimal use of solar energy; predicting as well, of the potential change of agricultural growth. The research also deals with the economic feasibility of applying solar energy in agricultural development, and doing a study on the degree of preference for agricultural areas suitable for reclamation in the Nasser lake area
