Classification of the Sub-district of Giza city according to the standard of living Using GIS and RS

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 egypt

2 Faculty of Women - Ain Shams University

3 Professor of Geography Department ,Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education , Ain Shams University - Egypt


the Sub-district of Giza city were classified into three levels using twelve criteria, half of which are demographic and the other half urban criteria, through the application of the cluster analysis of those criteria. After reaching the map of classification of the Sub-district, a field study was conducted for the city of Giza. Two notes in the first note found clear differences in some areas between the results of the cluster analysis of the standard of living within a single Sub-district and between reality and the second note that there are a number of Sub-district that include in nature more than a standard of living; As a result, the standard of living in some parts of that Sub-district does not match its general classification. Therefore, a field audit was carried out at the level of parts of the Sub-district in Giza city through two criteria, the average rent price and the average selling price. A field survey was conducted for the city through 173 points representing each one of them A data collection point and two new maps of the standard of living were produced at the level of the Sub-district and its parts in Giza city that accurately reflect the living standards in the city and its parts and more than half of the city has a low standard of living and about 37% of its area has an average standard of living, while less than 9% are areas with a high standard of living.
