سولون والأساس الدستوري لنظام الحكم الأوليجارخي (خلال النصف الاول من القرن السادس ق.م)

نوع المستند : أوراق بحثیة أکادیمیة


1 قسم التاريخ ، كلية البنات للآداب والعلوم والتربية، جامعة عين شمس، القاهرة، جمهورية مصر العربية

2 أستاذ التاريخ اليوناني – الروماني المساعد بكلية البنات جامعة عين شمس – مصر

3 أستاذ التاريخ اليوناني – الروماني المساعد بكلية الدراسات الانسانية جامعة الأزهر بالقاهرة – مصر


The research deals with the conditions of Athenian society at the end of the seventh century until the middle of the sixth century BC, where the conflict between the poor and wealthy of Athens intensified, who seized the country's wealth and wealth and accounted for power, which led to the spread of a state of discontent and popular anger to achieve social justice and improve the economic affairs of the people, which led to the emergence of a number of attempts at political and economic reform by Dracon and then Solon, who is the founder of the oligarchy system during the first half of the sixth century BC, Solon was also able to reconcile between the rich and the poor through a set of legislation, which prompted some to call him the successful archon because he was able to calm the situation between the rich and the poor and dilute the issue of disadvantaged classes by enacting a set of laws we can describe as being painkillers and sedatives for cases of societal anger only, Soon after Solon left Athens, the entire people returned to what they had been in terms of conflict, snoring and frequent quarrels, which led to the division of the two into three rival parties. The first of these was the Simplex Party, which included hardliners from the aristocracy. The second was the Coast Party, which included middle-class merchants and industrialists, who represented the new rich class, and the Mountain Party, which included poor public pastoralists.

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