Phrase Argumentative in Praise Speech at Al-Bohtiry ( The Affirmative as a pattern )

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Asmariya University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arabic Language, Libya, Zliten

2 The department of Arabic language- faculty of women- Ain shams university- Cairo- Egypt

3 Associal.Prof. of Rhetoric And Literary Criticism, Arabic Department Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education-Ain Shams University – Egypt.



This research cares for revealing for Phrase argumentative in praise speech at Al-Bohtiry , by using Affirmative mechanism , according to practicing poet for argumentation against the opponents of the praises , through this ; the text practice its argumentation on its readers definitely . Al-Bohtiry as his characteristic is an author of the text , he is running his text of speech ; he is well aware for rage of need of his text's receiver for the affirmed Phrase.

Also he knows when does he come with Phrases be devoid of Affirmative ; the one who imposed Affirmative is the need of receiver for that ; and the need of Al-Bohtiry also for appearing characteristics of his praises in the text which he is seen it suitable for context of praise .

This means that Affirmative is a basic thing in praise be imposed by need of the two parties (Sender and Receiver ).

Most important results are been reached by the research are as follows :

· Affirmative mechanism at Hagag Al-Bohtiry poetry is running for approving characteristics of the praise ; for example such as Kindness , Generosity , and Justice.

· Affirmative in Al-Bohtiry Speech is reported for approving issues related to the praise , including proving his eligibility in succession .

Affirmative mechanism at Hagag Al-Bohtiry is running to show the value of praise between peoples , also for related of the poet relation with them for proving meanings include ; friendship .
