Personal Status Issues As Reflected In Egyptian Cinema

Document Type : Academic research papers


Sociology Department - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The study aims at detecting and analyzing the role of Egyptian cinema in showing and discussing personal-status issues as well as their reflection on the policies related to modifying or drafting their laws in the light of the general social context in which these cinematic works appeared. The researcher relied on analyzing a sample of movies that discussed Egyptian personal-status issues, since the Egyptian cinema began to be interested in revealing the impact of social transformations in general and that of the feminist Egyptian movement in particular on highlighting these transformations. The sample consists of the following movies (Az-zawāj, Dahab, Aina ‘Umrī, Az-zuj al-‘Azib, Az-zawja Ath-th ā niyya, Naḥnu lā Nazra’ Ash-shawk, Urīdu Ḥalan, Ᾱsifa Arfuḍ Aṭ-ṭal āq, Ash-shaqa min Ḥaq Az-zawja, Al-jalsa Siriyya- At-taḥadī, Laḥm Rakhīṣ, Muḥāmī Khul’, Urīdu Khul’an). These movies include many issues related to personal-status like (obedience house, custody, under-age marriage, polygamy, divorce, alimony, children ancestry, khul’.) The findings of the study clarified that these films represent a feminist scream to work on modifying these laws or some of them; these did not only change the laws, but also the social look to women and their sufferings, as all organizations and people sympathized with them.
