(Truth and Justice According to Akhenaton An Analytical study)

Document Type : Academic research papers


philosophy,faculty of Arts, Giza- Egypt


The kings of ancient Egypt had been interested in the concept of justice and truth for the king Amenhotep the fourth Akhenaton had been a heretic who had omitted some attempts to explain his philosophy for he had been only concerned with the theory of divine truth which is known as the right, the real, and which are the essence of the cognitive theory which explain the religious creed and which propagate the atonic constitution are Utopia within the history of philosophic thinking and which has the first symbol on the imposter creed and through his attempts to purify the first religion from intellectual impurities.
Akhenaton had introduced complete constitution of peace and right to live in the city of truth upon his definition and he had made science and knowledge as the base of his philosophy and has entice people onto learn and philosophic meditation upon the symbolic concept truth and justice and he had objected the symbolic similarity of justice upon the first dimension of this concept and upon the basic rules which govern his city and which had been different than the Greek philosopher Plato while Akhenaton had been interested in religious dimension however Hor Moheb had laid some laws for the society had been in chaos and he had imposed many policies and sanction away from the religious dimension to separate morals from policy.
