Political and Military Asiatic Influences on Egyptian Society During the Late Period

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 FACULTY OF WOMEN for Arts, Sciences and Education- Faculty of Arts- History Department - Ain Shams University

2 Histort Dep. Faculty of Women. Ain Shams Uni.

3 Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Suez-Canal University


With the end of the Twentieth Dynasty, the situation was represented by the infiltration of foreign settlers in the Delta and the area extending up to Ahnasiya in Bani Suef in a dense manner without supervision. Rather, they reached Upper Egypt, which was inhabited only by the Egyptians. So, they penetrated the various fortifications that Ramses started, and extended to Thebes. They spread out turmoil and instability, which led to the loss of the prestige of the Egyptian Empire during the first millennium BC., So an "Intermediate Era" began and continued from approximately (1070) until the year (332) BC.
The researcher devoted the first part of this research paper to tracking the political situation and the change in the balance of power in the ancient Near East, and because of its impact on the political situation in Egypt by studying the king’s power and hegemony and the extension of his influence over the kingdoms of West Asia, starting from the third transition period through Saite Period, to the end of the Late Period. The second part was devoted to studying the conditions of some Asiatic refugees in Egypt during that period and how the state treated them.
Keywords: Late Period - Asiatic influences - Political refugees – Egyptian society – The Third Intermediate Period - Saite Period.
