Pragmatic Language Disorder and its Relationship to Social Communication among pre-school children

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt

2 Department of Psychology / Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education / Ain Shams University / Cairo

3 Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education Ain Shams University - Egypt


The aim of the current research is to study the relationship between pragmatic language disorder and social communication among pre-school children. They were divided into two groups, the first group (30 boys and girls) to calculate the psychometric characteristics, and the second group (30 boys and girls) as a descriptive group to test hypotheses and draw conclusions, and the research tools were represented in the social use of language scale (prepared by Adel Abdullah, 2010) as a measure to determine the degree of The pragmatic language disorder in children, and the measure of social communication skills for children (prepared by / Lamis Hamdi, 2014). The results of the research concluded that there are no differences in the pragmatic language skills of pre-school children according to the type of the child (male / female), but a relationship was found Positive correlation and statistical significance at (0.05) between pragmatic language disorder and social communication skills among pre-school children, the study sample. Recommendations and suggestions for future research.
Keywords: pragmatic language disorder, social communication, pre-school children.


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