Strong of Voice nxt-xrw and his Role in the Grain Counting Process During the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties.

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 History Department, Faculty of Women, Ain shams uni.

2 History Dep. Faculty of Women. Ain Shams Uni.

3 Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University


nxt-xrw "Strong of Voice" was one of the most managerial titles that appeared in the ancient Egypt since the Archaic period until the end of the New Kingdom. This title holder was carrying out a number of managerial tasks that were associated with multiple departments within the central management, the regional management, and the management of funeral properties-estates as well. The aim of this research is to highlight the title nxt-xrw in terms of what it is by showing the definition of the term and the opinions that were mentioned about it. It then studies one of the most important job duties, among other duties, undertaken by the holder of this title, which is measuring and counting the grain quantities in the funeral endowment. This is shown by examples of some scenes in which the title holder appeared on the Old Kingdom tomb’s walls during the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties. The research showed the importance of his significant supervisory role as a supervisor and inspector on measurers during the process of grain measuring and storing in the barn, and his role as a member of the judicial staff of the DADAt that inspects imports and products of funeral endowments.


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