Bani Ziri in Ifriqiya after the departure of the Fatimids between submission and rebellion (443 - 543 AH / 1052 - 1148 AD)

Document Type : Academic research papers


History Department, Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Ain Shams University


The study aims to identify the impact of the relationship between the Fatimid Caliphate and the Zirid Emirate on the fall of the Zirid state. The Fatimid on Belkin bin Ziri to be his representative in ruling Morocco when he decided to move to Egypt, Belkin succeeded in establishing the rules of his emirate in Morocco, and wanted to prove his continued subordination to the caliphate in Egypt, by praying to the Fatimid caliphs on the pulpits, and the wars in Morocco in the name of the caliphate, sending embassies and gifts to the caliphate to confirm the loyalty of the Zirids.
However, the success of the Zirids in eliminating their opponents, and the preoccupation of the Fatimid Caliphate with the political situation in the Levant, made them aspire to independence, and this would turn the relations between the Fatimid Caliphate and the Zirid Emirate into one of hostility; Whenever the Fatimids felt that the Zirid princes began to take steps towards independence, we would find the caliphate responding to this attempt by provoking the hostile tribes of the Zirids , until Prince Al-Muizz bin Badis announced his final separation from the Fatimid Caliphate in the year 440 AH / 1048 AD, the Fatimid caliph was angry at the departure of the goats on him and the loss of part of his caliphate, He decided to send the Arab tribes from Banu Hilal and Banu Sulaym to Ifriqiya to discipline the goats and return the Maghreb to the caliphate.


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