The Socio-Economic Return of Technical Education Female Graduates in Egyptian Society (A Field Study on Kom Hamada Center in Al-Behaira Governorate)

Document Type : Academic research papers


Women's college- ain shams University


This research’s purpose is to identify the socio-economic return of female graduates of technical education. The research counts on the "The Human Capital Theory” and “The Human Development Theory". The researcher has used the case study method, and the interview guide; which has been applied to (22) cases of technical education graduates of its three classifications, the (industrial, agricultural, commercial) in application to of Kom Hamada Center, Al-Beheira Governorate. The research has come to the following results:
1. The technical education encounters multiple challenges that hinder it from achieving its goals, the most important of which is the inferior social view of the society towards this type of education.
2. The shortness exists in the admission policy for technical education schools, which depend mainly on the total preparatory certificate degrees; without taking into account the desires of the students, or the needs of the labor market.
3. The economic return of technical education is not guaranteed for its graduates, and therefore, it does not contribute to their economic empowerment in the required manner.


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