Judge Authority in fez under the marinind dynasty (668 - 868 AH / 1269 - 1465 AD)

Document Type : Academic research papers


Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Ain Shams University


The authority of judges in the era of Bani Marin and know their extent and their importance to the state, through their tasks and the veneration of the sultans for them. The recommended commandments according to Sharia, and follow up the implementation of the provisions and limits issued by him, and he has some tasks related to calculation, and in addition to this he has specializations of a religious nature, including them; Leading prayer, public speaking, prayer leader, collecting zakat, and celebrating the Prophet’s birthday. And the other is of a political nature, so he assigned the judges several political matters as ambassadors of the state in political forums. There are specializations of a social nature, and others of a financial and administrative nature.The word of the judge in the state of Bani Marin is audible and no one interferes with it, and judges have some specific specializations in the Marinid era, including the community judgeHe is the most important position in the judicial structure in the era of Beni Marin and is called the judge of the capital and the center of the city of Fez. the caravan judge; He is the one who accompanies the pilgrims' rides and organizes the pilgrimage, in which a member of the ruling family was present.


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