Evalutionof basic education in the district ofAin Shams in the period ( 1995-2017)

Document Type : Academic research papers


faculty of women - Ain shams university


Evalutionof basic education in the district ofAin Shams in the period ( 1995-2017)
The size of educational services in Ain Shams district changed during the period (2017-1995) in (public - private) education, and also in Azhar education (2006-2017), where it was noticed during that period for basic education (primary and preparatory) a decrease in the numbers of both schools and Classes, students and teachers, and the decrease in the number of schools is due to the evacuation of some schools for replacement and renewal, while the number of classes decreased according to the decrease in the number of schools and the consequences of all other educational elements, and due to the lack of educational services in the neighborhood and the high density of classes, some moved to outside the district to another districts and other areas in search of better services, as well as the number of teachers decreased due to the lack of new appointments in the Ministry of Education, and also the tendency of some to early retirement.


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