The Role of Educational Software Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Developing Reading Comprehension Skill in the English Language Subject

Document Type : Academic research papers


Ministry of Education, College of Postgraduate Education, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


The theory of multiple intelligences is one of the most important educational theories that take into account individual differences, and educational software also plays a major role in individualizing learning and raising motivation and suspense through the use of multimedia, for that The study sought to reveal the role of educational software based on the theory of multiple intelligences in developing reading comprehension skills in English language material for third grade intermediate female students. To achieve the study aim, the quasi-experimental approach was used with one group, and the study sample consisted of 22 students, who were chosen intentionally after conducting the multiple intelligence scale who possesses linguistic or visual intelligence, and educational software and pre- and post-test reading comprehension skills were prepared.
The results revealed that there are statistical significant differences at the level (⍺≥ 0.05) between pre and post-test in favor of the post-test of reading comprehension skills, and accordingly, the study recommended activating multiple intelligence theory within educational software in teaching English language skills, And employing the storytelling method in presenting reading texts to develop reading comprehension skills.
Key words: English Language, Multiple Intelligence Theory, Educational Software, Reading Comprehension Skills.


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