"Tv Talk Shows" Treatment for Some of The Egyptian Society Issues Between Media Work Controls and Actual Practice

Document Type : Academic research papers


PhD Researcher, Department of Sociology, Media Division, Girls' College, Ain Shams University


The study aims at clarifying Tv shows extent of compliance with media work controls in the process of dealing with the Egyptian social programs, relying on collective responsibility theory, the law of regulating the press and media, media code of honour, media code of conduct and media codes, in order to come up with a typical detailed model useful for measuring the degree of abiding with professional as well as moral regulations of media works. Being a descriptive study, this research relies on media surveys methodology using content analysis as its tool. The study has been applied on three talk shows, namely At-tāsi’ah, Yaḥduthfī Miṣr, and al-Ḥikāyah, which have been analysed for a period of three months representing a whole Tv cycle, focusing on handling political, health and social issues. The study reached some conclusions which could be summarized in the following: Health issues were on top of the treated issues in the selected programs of the study, followed by social then political ones. Moreover, in general, talk shows tend to comply with media work controls, with some statistically proven differences between these programs in what concerns the degree of commitment to media work controls, and it was proven that there are statistically significant differences between talk shows according to the extent of commitment to the controls of media work, and it was proven that there is a direct, statistically significant correlation between commitment to the controls of media work, and the multiplicity of viewpoints in dealing with issues.


Main Subjects