Activating community participation in schools of intellectual education in Egypt

Document Type : Academic research papers


Ain Shams University, Faculty of Girls for Arts, Science and Education


The study aimed to define the theoretical foundations of community participation in education, to reveal the nature of schools of intellectual education in Egypt, to present perceptions and proposals to activate community participation in schools of intellectual education in Egypt, and to use the descriptive approach, and the study concluded the need to activate the principle of decentralization in decision-making and decision-making at levels. The various schools of intellectual education, providing channels and means of communication between schools of intellectual education and the local community, and working to spread cultural awareness in the community about the importance of community participation in education, and what this participation can have in improving the development of education, and educating parents of the importance of their participation in the education and care of their children and their accreditation The school alone, in bringing up children, must pay attention to establishing an administration to organize community efforts and direct them towards methods and procedures that would increase the quality of the educational process in schools of intellectual education.

As the educational process has become, at the present time, not completely dependent on the school alone, but has developed and spread to include the family and society in all its categories, and with the introduction of these new elements in the educational and educational process, the concept of community partnership emerged, and this stemmed from a thought that believes in the knowledge society and the community of learners, who participate in


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