Climate and its Impact on Human Comfort in the Nile River Delta in Egypt "A Study in Applied Climate"

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 Geography Department, Girls' College, Ain Shams University

2 Geography Department, Girls' College, Ain Shams University

3 Former head of the meteorological authority


In order for a person to feel comfortable, he must maintain his body temperature and thermal balance, by equalizing the sum of the internal energy obtained through oxidation of food or external energy from the surrounding environment with the rate of energy that he loses. Adolf has come up with equations through which to calculate the balance The temperature of the human body, whether by day or at night, and not only the thermal balance that affects the person, but also the water balance had a great importance and role in a person’s life, as humidity had a role in a person’s sense of comfort or distress. Therefore, the rate of sweat secretion was used as a reference to Adolf to know the human feeling of distress. From the weather conditions, whether day or night, several physiological indications were used to determine the knowledge of a person’s interaction with climatic conditions and the extent of his feeling of comfort, including one element clues which depend on the effect of a single climatic element on a person’s comfort, as the evidence for the effective temperature of Giveny , and the composite evidence that relies on two climatic elements. As Tom's standard, which relies on temperature and relative humidity to see their effect on human comfort


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