The cultural role of the public in The Far Morocco in the age of Almoravides 448-541 AH / 1056 – 1146 EC

Document Type : Academic research papers


1 History teacher - Institute for Boys, Kafr Saqr, Sharkia Governorate

2 Professor of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University

3 Assistant Professor of Islamic History - Department of History - College of Women - Ain Shams University

4 Teacher of Islamic History, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University


Summary :
The ancient men of lettersand their followers have taken the material criterion of earning money as a basis of division classification , so they placed the public – as they lack fortune : the main factor in forming the social position of the individual and the determination of his division identity – at the bottom of the classification. They have taken from their position at the foot of the social ladder a justification of prejudice on them and accusing them of a mass of accusations one of them is ignorance, as they imagined that the public may be anything. A clever maker,a distinguished craftsman or a gifted trader , but not a scientist or a student. This is what the researcher will try to refute in the next pages , and asserting through it that the public – on the contrary –their classrooms included distinguished students ,unique scientists who not only contributed in spreading the arts of science ,but also in the sponsorship of the sons of their class and adopting them scientifically apart from the state which was ,mostly ,more keen on recalling the senior writers of Andalus ,being helped byIts doctors ,benefited from the experience of its engineers and industrialists , from its care to adopt a scientific institution and sponsoring its students like systematic schools which the state adopted in the Islamic East or Egypt during the same era .


Main Subjects