Internet addiction and its relationship to social compatibility among young people

Document Type : Academic research papers


high institute for mass media and communication techniques


Study problem:

It is determined in the detection of the extent of a link between internet addiction and social compatibility in young people, and the detection of the variables affecting that relationship

Second: The objectives of the study:

1. The difference level to determine internet addiction
2. Manifestations of internet addiction among young people.
3. Revealing the link between internet addiction among young people and social compatibility.

3. Sample study:
The study was conducted on the sample of the deans, and consisted of 300 individual young people between the ages of 18 and 35

4. Research tools used: use of the questionnaire tool, discussion groups

Study results
Results of the statistical study: -
1. The number of young people classified as non-internet addicts is 23%, compared to 25% (internet addicts)

2. There is a negative correlation between the overall degree of the addiction scale and the degree after social compatibility.
3. There are differences between addicts and non-addicted internet users when the measure of social compatibility in favor of non-addicts.

The results of the discussion groups: -

• The members of the sample met on the basis that the Internet in general with all its applications is important things in the lives of young people as they say (we can not do without it) it is a way to express opinions freely and it is a way to escape the problems of life.

• Internet usage can exceed 10 hours per day


Main Subjects