Endowments for mosques in Egypt 1849-1913 AD

Document Type : Academic research papers


PhD researcher History Department – Facutly of women- Ain Shams University


The endowment is considered the mainstay of religious life, as it provided the mosques with all their needs and provided them with the necessary expenses to fulfill their mission, which led to the strengthening of religious sentiment, and from here the field of worship was the focus of attention of those standing in different social affiliations and economic levels. One of the aspects of reviving the rituals of religion, and this research sheds light on the role of the endowment in religious life, especially the endowment on mosques between 1849 AD - 1913 AD, through four elements: The first: It talks about authority and endowments over mosques, The second: deals with the role of members of the ruling authority in the endowment of mosques, the third: the endowment of the people in the establishment of mosques, and the fourth: the endowment over the mosques of Ahl al-Bayt. The research concluded with several results, the most prominent of which were: clarifying the role of the endowment in the establishment of mosques, highlighting the social groups on which endowments were monitored, and the researcher followed the method of analytical historical research that relies on dealing with and analyzing events, and monitoring the changes that occurred in the endowment process during the research period.


Main Subjects

سادسا: المراجع الأجنبية:
1-Al – Asad, Mohammad: 1992, The Mosque of Muhammad Ali in Cairo muqarnas, vol, 9