Positive thinking and its relationship to method of solving life problems among university students



The study sample consisted of (65) male and female students from university students, this researcher aims to identify the relationship between positive thinking and Methods of Solving life Problems among University Students. 
The results of study found that there is a correlation between positive thinking and Methods of solving life Problems among University Students. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of males and the mean scores of females in the dimensions of the problem-solving method. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of males and the mean scores of females in the dimensions of positive thinking. Fourth in the dimensions of positive thinking, there are statistically significant differences between the averages of the grades of the first year students and the averages of the degrees of the fourth year students in the dimensions of the approach to solving life problems. The process "in the dimensions of the life problem-solving method, the absence of statistically significant differences between the averages of the students of the theoretical colleges" Girls College, Department of Psychology "and the averages of the students of the practical colleges" in the dimensions of positive thinking     


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