Egypt,West Gwrmany andvFederal Relations



The choice of The Relations of Egypt and West Germany (1950-1965) was a topic for research in an attempt to study the nature of the relations between the two countries, especially after Germany emerged from the Second World War defeated and divided into West or Federal Germany, which is subordinate to the Western European camp, America, and the democratic East Germany. For the eastern camp of the Soviet Union. As for the period, the year 1950 was chosen as the beginning of it, given that it is the year that witnessed the desire of most of the third world countries and the Arab world their desire to deal with the emerging economy of modern countries, so West Germany came to achieve this purpose, and the study period ends in 1965, which is the year that witnessed The height of the crisis in relations between Cairo and Bonn due to the latter's continued provision of aid and its cooperation with Israel in all fields.
